Employer Benefits

For employers, Earned Wage Access (EWA) programmes represent an additional tool in a recruiter's arsenal to compete for talent, while giving HR another way to help employees reduce financial stress in the short term. As a complement to a broader financial wellness programme, employers can leverage an EWA programme to help employees to head down a path to feel more in control of their finances.



EWA offers many benefits to the employer


Attractive to Employees

Employers also find that employees who use this offering are more loyal and want to stay with them longer, reducing turnover and its associated costs highlighting why the timing for employers to offer EWA is so opportune. Employees working for companies that didn't offer EWA said they would be interested if their employer were to offer it


Competitive Recruitment Advantage

Employers offering EWA can gain a competitive recruiting and retention advantage.




The biggest perceived obstacles to implementing EWA according to employers who had not yet adopted a programme were compliance, cost of implementation and complexity. Our EWA solutions have no impact on existing payroll processes, but simple simple to execute - compatible with existing payroll processes, providing flexible pay options without adding cost or complexity for payroll departments.




To sign your business up as an employer for your employees, kindly review the details on our Employer Partnerships.




Employee Benefits

Earned Wage Access

How it works